Check your details are up to date on Mid Canterbury business directory

Published: 21 August 2020

Ashburton District businesses are being urged to check their trading details are up-to-date on the Mid Canterbury Open for Business directory, as changed COVID alert levels impose stricter health and safety protocols.

The re-emergence of COVID-19 community transmissions in the North Island last week has highlighted the speed at which trading conditions can change, and the importance of communities shopping local to support business.

The Mid Canterbury Open for Business campaign was launched during the COVID-19 lockdowns to help residents learn what they could expect from local businesses once trading resumed ​​​and encourage people to shop local.

Residents can use the directory to search for businesses and all are within the Ashburton District.

The Council is encouraging the thousands of businesses signed up to the campaign to check their details are still correct, and are calling on any businesses that have not yet gotten on board with the free initiative to register their details.

Registered businesses are reminded to collect their free Mid Canterbury Open for Business sticker to place in their window.

To register your business with Mid Canterbury Open for Business, visit

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