Council News
Ashburton District Council is poised to adopt its draft Long Term Plan and budget for consultation this week, with a proposed 9.9% rates increase for 2024-25.
Lagmhor Road, at the intersection with SH1, will be closed from Friday 22 March, for approximately four days.
Nearly 2.5km of Thompsons Track, one of the busiest roads in the Ashburton District, is being rehabilitated to make it wider and stronger.
Council business has a seasonal rhythm and so the years can whizz by quickly with annual reports and plans - but we are currently working on an important plan for the future and will soon be looking for your feedback.
The new traffic signals at the SH1/Lagmhor Road/Agnes St intersection are on track to be switched on by April.
A chunk of Ashburton’s drinking water history was dismantled recently when 132 metres of steel pipe and eight supporting concrete piers were removed from the north branch of the Ashburton River, near Melrose Road.
It was good news to see the second bridge over the Ashburton River included in the new Government draft policy statement on transport this week – the fact that it has survived a regime change means everyone can see it is needed.
Artwork by students from Ashburton College has been used to create three special star signs at a Matariki viewing platform at the Rakaia Gorge.
Former elected councillors and former senior council staff had a chance last week to tour the new library and civic building, Te Whare Whakatere, a project commissioned in their time.
A drop-in session at the Tinwald Pool is planned for early April as part of wide-ranging consultation about Council’s Long Term Plan.