Council News
The Hinds water supply will be shut down for two hours from 3pm on Tuesday 6 August for electrical work.
KiwiRail and TrackSAFE are urging people to take a good hard look for trains when approaching any rail level crossing during Rail Safety Week 2024.
Locals are being encouraged to 'love their parks' by having a say on the draft Reserve Management Plan before feedback closes this weekend.
With the Olympic Games in Paris under way, Mid Canterbury’s own sporting stars of the past have been given pride of place at EA Networks Centre.
Council’s emergency management is monitoring a heavy snow warning for the high country.
I feel a little like an Olympic athlete who has spent four years working hard to win a gold medal.
EA Networks Centre has revamped its membership options to better reflect how people are using the recreation facility.
The Ashburton District Council will vote in favour of amendments to the EA Networks constitution at its AGM in August.
It’s been great to see the stream of photos and hear about how busy the Ashburton Library has been these school holidays.
People with Parkinson’s are being encouraged to come along to a new exercise class at EA Networks Centre, starting 8 August.