Stockwater Exit Transition Plan
Background (June 2024)
On 26 June 2024, Council adopted its 2024-2034 Long Term Plan (LTP) which included the decision to divest itself from the delivery of the stockwater services by 30 June 2027.
Funding has been included in the LTP for a managed and inclusive exit of the Council delivering stockwater, with a stockwater working group being established to monitor progress. It is anticipated that most properties will be able to be supplied with stockwater from an alternative supply such as an irrigation company or the like.
The key reasons for Council ceasing to deliver stockwater by 30 June 2027 are:
- The stockwater network is an ageing and inefficient method of delivering water for livestock to farms.
- Maintaining the system is getting costlier because the infrastructure is ageing and needs replacement. Many components, related to the channels (eg race gates, junctions, flumes) will need replacing over the next few decades.
- The service relies on having sufficient water in the system to keep the water flowing. During summer, water sources often dry up, meaning we can’t always guarantee the service.
- There are other, more modern ways for properties to get stockwater. A lot of people who pay for this service don't use it because they've found more efficient ways to get stockwater such as through irrigation schemes.
- Meeting new environmental requirements will add extra cost to ensure the system is viable in the future. For example, this includes the installation of fish screens on some intakes to meet these new standards.
All properties that have stockwater races running through them will be consulted with during the divestment process. Some races may not be closed due to ecological values or for other reasons and this will be considered and worked through as part of the process.
Transition Plan Adopted (December 2024)
On 18 December 2024, Councillors adopted the Stockwater Exit Transition Plan that will usher Council out of the business of delivering stockwater by 2027.
The plan clearly sets out the process Council will take in exiting the service, the intakes and various water sources that feed the stockwater network.
Included in the plan is a programme setting an approximate order of work which will be undertaken on an intake by intake basis. If you want to find which intake your stockwater comes from, refer to the intake maps in the plan.
Below is a summary of the intended programme – the full programme can be viewed in the plan.
Task: | Duration | Start | Finish |
Stockwater Exit Transition Plan Programme | 675 days | 27/09/24 | 30/06/27 |
Pudding Hill Intake (early work has been completed) | 286 days | 27/09/24 | 26/11/25 |
Methven Auxiliary Intake | 363 days | 13/01/25 | 01/07/26 |
Bushside Intake | 178 days | 13/03/25 | 26/11/25 |
Stoney Creek Intake | 180 days | 24/04/25 | 16/01/26 |
Limestone Creek Intake | 163 days | 05/06/25 | 02/02/26 |
Alford Forest Intake | 40 days | 16/07/25 | 09/09/25 |
Brothers Intake | 303 days | 23/06/25 | 09/09/26 |
Langdons North & South Intakes | 187 days | 13/08/25 | 19/05/26 |
Clearwell Springs Intake | 168 days | 22/09/25 | 02/06/26 |
Cracroft Intake | 284 days | 23/10/25 | 17/12/26 |
Klondyke Intake | 215 days | 12/12/25 | 28/10/26 |
Shepherds Brook Intake | 178 days | 05/02/26 | 20/10/26 |
Remmington Creek Intake | 178 days | 18/03/26 | 01/12/26 |
Lagmhor Creek Intake | 196 days | 30/04/26 | 12/02/27 |
Winchmore Intake | 215 days | 16/06/26 | 29/04/27 |
Rokeby Intake | 137 days | 29/07/26 | 17/02/26 |
Acton Intake | 200 days? | 07/09/26 | 30/06/27 |
Stockwater Transition Working Group (September 2024)
The Stockwater Transition Working Group (STWG) was established as a result of Council’s Long Term Plan decision to exit the provision of stockwater across the district.
The STWG membership includes:
- Cr Richard Wilson (Chair)
- Cr Carolyn Cameron
- 1 x Federated Farmer representative
- 1 x Environment Canterbury representative
- 1 x Te Rūnaka o Arowhenua representative
- 1 x Consultant Resource (Melius Ltd - John Wright)
The first deliverable for the working group was the development of the Stockwater Exit Transition Plan (SETP) by December 2024. The plan was developed internally by staff with the assistance of Aoraki Environmental Consultancy Limited (AECL) and the project consultant.
Project News

Stockwater Exit: Water balance report commissioned
Council has commissioned a water balance report for the Washpen/Mt Harding Creek system, as part of its work on the future of the Pudding Hill stockwater intake.

Stockwater Exit: Pudding Hill wider survey
Methven community members who came along to a public meeting about the future of the Pudding Hill stockwater intake are being encouraged to take part in Council’s online survey about the intake.

Stockwater Exit Transition Plan: First intake surveys in the mail
Land owners who have water races on or adjacent to their property and who pay stockwater rates for water from the Methven Auxiliary Intake are receiving letters this week asking them to take part in a survey about the future of the intake.

Stockwater Exit Transition Plan adopted by Council
Councillors have adopted a Stockwater Exit Transition Plan that will usher Council out of the business of delivering stockwater by 2027.