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Official information requests

What is an official information request?

All requests for information are considered to be made under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (LGOIMA) and the Privacy Act 2020. You do not have to state that you are making a request under an Act.

Once a request is made, Council must supply the information unless there is a reason for withholding it.

The LGOIMA provides that information may be withheld if release of the information would:

  • Endanger the safety of any person
  • Prejudice maintenance of the law
  • Compromise the privacy of any person
  • Reveal confidential or commercially sensitive information
  • Cause offence to tikanga Maori or disclose the location of waahi tapu
  • Prejudice public health or safety
  • Compromise legal professional privilege
  • Disadvantage Council carrying out negotiations or commercial activities
  • Allow information to be used for improper gain or advantage.

Who can request information?

Any individual, group or organisation can request information held by the council either about:

  • Themselves, under Section 20 of the Privacy Act 2020, or
  • Aspects of the council's activities under Section 10 of the LGOIMA

Making a request for information

Requests for official information may be written or verbal.

The request should be as specific as possible - Council may seek clarification to help determine if there is a reason
for withholding the requested information.

Council must answer requests for information within 20 working days. If Council needs extra time to source and provide the requested information, the applicant must be advised in writing that an extension of time is required, the reason for this and the estimated period of the extension.

If the information requested is extensive, Council may charge for time spent processing the request and for printing and copying costs. See Council's policy on Official Information Requests for further information on possible charges.

If the requested information is held by another agency, Council will either pass your request on to that agency or advise you of the agency to make the request to.

To make a request for official information in writing, please address it to:

Ashburton District Council
PO Box 94
Ashburton 7740

To make a request for official information by email, please email us.

To make a request for official information by telephone, please contact our Customer Services team on (03) 307 7700.