Artist Talk | David Elliot

About the event
At this upcoming artist talk, celebrated Ashburton author and illustrator David Elliot will share insights into his current exhibition Wind and Waves.
In this exhibition, people and creatures, in, on, above and near the ocean become characters that are interwoven with histories of exploration and scientific research, as well as mythological tales and high sea adventure. Kōpūtai Port Chalmers and Ōtākou Otago Harbour serve as inspiration for many of the works, as do the natural elements, such as wind, which are personified as giant entities that command the weather. Other works look beyond Ōtākou, and informed by David’s love of maps and old books, traverse a watery expanse to explore domains both real and imagined.
21st Jan 2024 -
02:00 pm
Ashburton Art Gallery
Admission: FREE
Who for: Whole whānau/family