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New Horizons

Explore something new this school holidays with our lineup of easter and ANZAC themed activities!

Check out the awesome things we have planned for the Term 1 holidays! Places are limited, so make sure you use the booking link to secure your place.

Easter Egg Hunt

  • Sat 12 April - Sun 27 April

Hop into Ashburton Library any time this school holidays for our eggcellent Easter Egg Hunt! Find all 10 eggs to crack the challenge and enter the draw for a giant Easter Egg!

Cost: FREE - No booking required.

Road Trip Bingo

  • Tues 15 April, 10:30am-11:30am

Turn your next road trip into a game by creating your very own Road Trip Bingo card. Join in the fun as we play together and win prizes!

Cost: FREE - No booking required

Easter Photo Booth Craft

  • Thurs 17 April, 10:30am-11:30am

Hop into the library and take a wacky Easter photo with our fun props and Instax camera. Create an egg-tastic photo frame so every-bunny can enjoy your creation!

Cost: FREE

Limit of 50 places - Book online now

Crazy Town Mascots

  • Tues 22 April, 10:30am-11:30am

Every town needs its own mascot! Get loopy and create your one of your own out of recycled materials - the crazier, the better!

Cost: FREE - No booking required

ANZAC Soldier Silhouettes

  • Thurs 24 April, 10:30am-11:30am

Create a beautiful sunrise silhouette picture of an ANZAC soldier using dyes.

Cost: FREE - No booking required