School Lunch Ideas

About the event
School is back for the year and the dreaded task of making school lunches every day is upon parents and caregivers across the region!
- Would you like some inspiration for your child's lunchbox?
- Want to know some healthy options that your kids will love?
- What do we need to be thinking about when packing that lunchbox?
Come along to this one hour session where dietitian Megan Copland will present ideas and then answer questions.
The event will be held at Ashburton's new public library Te Kete Tuhinga - where there will be resources and things to take home to inspire you. Tell your friends, grab your free tickets and come along together.
If you need to bring the kids, no problem - there's lego, games and books in the kids area of the library to hopefully keep them happy or they might like to hang out on the beanbags just near us in the youth area.
Please register so we know how many to expect and can send a reminder email with details the day before.
13th Mar 2024
06:30 pm - 07:30 pm
Ashburton Library
Admission: FREE
Who for: Whole whānau/family