Death and Paperwork 2

About the event
- Thursday Oct 17th 5.45pm -6.45pm EPAS, Lawyers and What you can do yourself.
Book here for this FREE workshop
In this workshop we'll address:
- what practical/ legal things need to happen when someone dies?
- what must get done by a lawyer and what can you do yourself?
- what is an enduring power of attorney (EPA)?
- how and when to appoint an EPA
- what are my responsibilities if I am someone's EPA?
There will be staff from Community Law Canterbury and local law firm Argyle Welsh Finnigan to facilitate
this FREE session at the public library in Ashburton, Te Kete Tuhinga. There will be plenty of time to ask questions after the presentation.
17th Oct 2024
05:45 pm - 06:45 pm
Ashburton Library
Admission: FREE
Who for: Whole whānau/family