Ashburton Ageing Well Expo

About the event
Come along to the Ashburton Public Library on Tuesday 10th October, 10am to 12 noon and again on Tuesday 24th October, 2-4pm, for a fun, informative session on the benefits of keeping active and maintaining good health as you get older.
Learn more about:
- The benefits of strength and balance classes and where they are in Ashburton
- Information on Age Concern Ashburton’s Steady as You Go classes What the EA Networks Centre offers for older adults
- How you can improve your balance and strength with Nymbl, a free app on your smartphone
- The importance of keeping hydrated and the benefits of being smokefree and active with Waitaha Health
- Getting to a class – staying safe on the road through the Safe Driving courses run by Age Concern Ashburton. Don’t drive? Find out about the Mid Canterbury Connector community transport service
Have a go!
- Have a free balance test with Sport Canterbury
- Join a demo class of an Age Concern Ashburton Steady as You Go class
10th Oct 2023
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Ashburton Library
Admission: FREE
Who for: Whole whānau/family