Opening: Sharing Histories | Gifts of 2023

About the event
Join us for the opening of Sharing Histories, Gifts of 2023 on 18 February at 1pm!
Explore some of the treasured objects, archives and photographs that were generously donated to the Ashburton Museum and Historical Society in 2023. Sharing Histories showcases some of the most special and fascinating museum acquisitions of the previous year and explores why they are significant to Hakatere Ashburton.
After the opening, stay for a talk by Belinda Breeze Cimino at the Ashburton Museum and Historical Society’s bi-monthly meeting. Belinda is the founder and administrator of the ‘Ashburton NZ: History Plus, Photos of Places & Groups, Classes to 1980’ Facebook page. Her talk entitled ‘Clicking into History: Ashburton’s Digital Archive Adventure’ will commence at 2pm.
18th Feb 2024 -
01:00 pm
Ashburton Museum
Admission: FREE
Who for: Whole whānau/family