Exhibition | Signs Past

About the event
Our new exhibition Signs Past will be on display from 06 July until 22 September!
Signs impact our lives every day; they direct, inform, influence and advise us. Ideally, the words, symbols and graphics combine to convey a message in the form of a visually pleasing and easy to read sign.
Styles, methods and products used to create signage have changed dramatically over the past seventy years. A hand painted sign by a tradesman is now considered a work of art – a trade that flourished just forty years ago but is now largely overtaken by the age of digital signage. While illuminated signs still abound, the process of manufacture has changed.
Our Signs Past exhibition includes a selection of signage collected by the Ashburton Museum & Historical Society since the late 1950s, although many pre-date this period. These signs and honours boards showcase a sign writer’s skill in conveying a visual message (or not, in some cases). The signs vary in format but each preserve the story of a person, place or time.
1st Sep 2024 - 22nd Sep 2024
Ashburton Museum
Admission: FREE
Who for: Whole whānau/family