Ashburton heritage collections online launch

About the event
Join us in celebrating the official launch of our new online collections website at the Ashburton Museum & Historical Society’s upcoming bi-monthly meeting. Over 1000 photographs and records (with more to come) from the AM&HS community archives will be made available to researchers for the first time, ensuring that people across Aotearoa and the world have access to Hakatere Ashburton’s unique heritage. Our launch event will include tutorials in how to search our collections website effectively, and we’ll hear from those involved with this project from Ashburton Museum and AM&HS. We’ll also look back at how far cataloguing has come at Ashburton Museum since the days before computers and collection management software!
Image caption: The first pipe placed in the Rangitata Diversion Race at Surrey Hills, 19 October 1940. Hon. Robert Semple, Minister of Public Works, and key workers stand inside the pipe. AM&HS collection, ref. 04.1997.0146.
5th May 2024 -
02:00 pm
Ashburton Museum
Admission: FREE
Who for: Whole whānau/family