Arlene Baird talk: Ng King Bros. Chinese Market Garden Settlement

About the event
To celebrate our exhibition A New Era: Ng King Bros. Chinese Market Garden Settlement, join us for a talk with Arlene Baird, a heritage consultant based in Mid Canterbury.
Arlene Baird is a heritage consultant based in Mid Canterbury. She has over 25 years’ experience in the heritage sector, initially in the UK where she specialised in restoration and adaptive reuse of historic buildings, then in New Zealand where she provides heritage planning and consultancy services to individuals, businesses and local authorities. Over the past year she has also been standing in as Acting Area Manager for the Canterbury West Coast team of Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga.
Arlene has been involved with the Ng King Brothers site in Ashburton since 2014, liaising with Council, Heritage New Zealand and the Ng King descendants, and project managing the stabilisation of the buildings and refurbishment of the site in a way that shares its amazing story.
17th Mar 2024 -
02:00 pm
Ashburton Museum
Admission: FREE
Who for: Whole whānau/family