Urban Ashburton

About the event
Recent development within the town has resulted in marked changes to Ashburton’s urban environment. The revitalisation of the central business district, the construction of the new library and administration building, the relocation of the rail container terminal, and the construction of a new retail centre near the Hakatere River, are all contributuing to the town’s altered character and the way it is experienced by both locals and visitors.
This exhibition turns its attention to the elements – past and present – that make up the ‘fabric’ of the Ashburton townscape. Works included depict landmarks that have since disappeared, such as the old Borough Council Chambers and the former 1901 Post Office. Others depict enduring aspects of Ashburton that contribute to its sense of place, like the clock tower and the Domain. Aerial photography from the middle of last century and paintings of streetscapes capture Ashburton in specific time periods and allow an appreciation of how much has transformed.
Urban Ashburton features artworks and objects from the collections of Ashburton Art Gallery and Ashburton Museum, as well as the collection of the Ashburton District Council.
Image | Henry Lowen-Smith, Morning – Burnett Street (detail), oil on canvas, 1973. Collection of the Ashburton District Council.
Ashburton Art Gallery
6th Mar 2022 - 6th Apr 2022
Open Daily: 10am - 4pm
Wednesday: 10am - 7pm
327 West Street, Ashburton 7700
Admission: FREE
Who for: Whole whānau/family