Two O'Clock Tours | ZAFAA23

About the event
Jo Burzynska's Premier Award winning work may look like a concrete brick, but Jo specializes in working beyond what meets the eye... Join us on a tour of the Zonta Ashburton Female Art Awards exhibition where you will engage your non-visual senses to discover the context behind Jo's work.
The Art Gallery and Museum’s Two O’Clock Tours are your chance to get some inside info about our current exhibitions, and this week we are looking at ZAFAA23!
Come along at 2pm to hear our lovely Front of House Assistant Jacqui speak about ZAFAA23, focusing on some specific works from our amazing finalists. With media ranging from painting and sculpture to sound and scent, this exhibition is a feast for the senses.
We run a 20 minute tour every second Sunday. Keep an eye out for the next tour coming on April 23!
Free | 2pm Sunday 09 April
9th Apr 2023 -
02:00 pm
Ashburton Art Gallery
Admission: FREE
Who for: Whole whānau/family