Two O'Clock Tours | Saskia Bunce-Rath

About the event
In Saskia Bunce-Rath’s work, thread is deployed, as she says, in ‘a painterly way’ to create images that evoke myth, fantasy, wonder and dream. Strange creatures inhabit jewel-like worlds, and poetic titles only add to the mystery...
Thread and poetry also feature in Iain Cheesman's foyer wall artwork The River Is. Cheesman uses balls of wool in a sculptural manner, creating a river-like scene of divining sticks that is accompanied by a poem.
If you're a fan of embroidery, textiles, and poetry, you won't want to miss our next Two O'Clock Tour!
Come along at 2pm on Sunday 19 November to hear our lovely Front of House Assistant Jacqui speak about Saskia's new exhibition eating stars together at dusk, her first exhibition at a public art gallery. Discuss your own interpretations Saskia's poetry, and learn more about her laborious embroidery techniques, all while basking in the glow of her colourful works.
Jacqui will also be discussing Iain Cheesman's The River Is, so don't miss your chance to hear about this beautiful and surprising sculptural installation and its accompanying poem.
Don't forget that Saskia will also be holding her own workshop on 02 December! See our website or facebook page for more information.
19th Nov 2023 -
02:00 pm
Ashburton Art Gallery
Admission: FREE
Who for: Whole whānau/family