Two O'Clock Tours | David Elliot

About the event
In Wind and Waves, people and creatures, in, on, above and near the ocean become characters that are interwoven with histories of exploration and scientific research, as well as mythological tales and high sea adventure.
If you're a fan of David Elliot's illustrations, you can't miss our next Two O'Clock Tour!
Come along at 2pm on Sunday 07 January to hear our lovely Front of House Assistant Jacqui speak about David's exhibition Wind and Waves, featuring works inspired by his home of Port Chalmers and Otago Harbour – Kōpūtai and Ōtākou. Learn more about the tales and myths behind some of David's imagined creatures, and see how his stories come to life from original concept to final illustration.
7th Jan 2024 -
02:00 pm
Ashburton Art Gallery
Admission: FREE
Who for: Whole whānau/family