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There are a number of different employment industries in Ashburton District, from farming and agribusiness to logistics and manufacturing.

To apply for a job, you will need to prepare a CV and a cover letter.

When writing your CV, it is important to highlight your work experience, skills, qualifications, and personal interests. Additionally, you should provide the contact information of your work and personal references. Don't forget to attach copies of your qualification certificates, passport and visa (if applicable).

If you want to make a good impression when applying for a job, it's important to include a cover letter. This letter should highlight what you can bring to the company and explain why you're interested in the position. To make your cover letter stand out, avoid using a generic template and take the time to personalise it for the specific industry or job you're applying for.

The Ashburton Library offers free help creating your CV and cover letter.  You can book an appointment by calling 03 308 7192 or visit the library on 2 Baring Square East, Ashburton.

Most people looking for work start their job search online using websites and programmes such as:

You can also find job vacancies through our local newspapers and Facebook groups:

  • The Ashburton Courier (Free newspaper delivered on Thursdays).
  • The Ashburton Guardian (Paid subscription published on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays).
  • Snowfed Methven Community Newspaper (Free newspaper out every Thursday).
  • Rakaia News is the Community Newspaper for the Rakaia area (They are a free newspaper published fortnightly).
  • Ashburton Jobs NZ (on Facebook).
  • Ashburton Job Vacancies NZ (on Facebook).

Ashburton District is part of the Mayor's Taskforce for Jobs national programme, which links New Zealand citizens and residents with local employers based on their skills, vocation and personality.  To get in touch with them email or call 027 340 1368.

There are several recruitment agencies that may also be helpful for connecting you to available jobs.

When working in New Zealand, you have certain rights and responsibilities, which are important to know so that you are treated fairly.

Here are some links that will help you get the most up-to-date employment information:

Current minimum wage

Minimum working rights

Minimum working rights in other languages

Information about young employees and restrictions

More information about working in New Zealand or to talk to someone about any employment query, or arrange a call in your language, you can visit Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) on 44 Cass Street, Community House in Ashburton, visit their website or call them at 0800 367 222.

KiwiSaver is a work-based savings scheme where you, your employer and the government contribute to a savings fund for your retirement. You can join KiwiSaver if you are a resident, permanent resident or a New Zealand citizen. Kiwisaver website

Establishing your own business in New Zealand is quite a simple process, and there are many resources available to
support you. Check out for a range of tools and templates to help you get started.

Visit the IRD website for advice about taxes and Canterbury Community Law's website for legal advice.