District Plan
On 7 August 2014, Council formally approved the adoption of the second generation Ashburton District Plan.
This decision was notified on 14 August 2014 and the District Plan formally became operative on 25 August 2014.
Please also note that Environment Canterbury (the Canterbury Regional Council) imposes additional consenting requirements for certain activities. It is advised that you phone Environment Canterbury on 0800 324 636 (0800 EC INFO) or visit their webpage for more information.
Removal of Minimum Parking Standards
The Ashburton District Council gives notice that, in accordance with the requirements of the National Policy Statement - Urban Development 2020, the Ashburton District Plan is required to be amended to remove minimum car parking requirements and that the Plan will be so amended from 20 February 2022.
The National Policy Statement can be viewed on the Ministry for the Environment website here
Plan Change 1
As a result of the Councils review of the operation of the ODP since it became operative, it identified seven separate issues where it considered it was necessary that the plan be amended, particularly in circumstances where the provisions had resulted in unintended consequences.
These topic areas were as follows:
- The definition of ‘retail’ and ‘commercial activities’
- Building density in the rural zones
- Hut Settlement rules
- Diesel storage rules in Business Zones
- Firefighting water supplies
- Acoustic treatment of dwellings adjacent to state highways
- The definition of ‘rural activity’ and ‘rural service’ activity
Plan Change 1 became operative on 20 April 2017.
Plan Change 2
The Change was in several parts relating to different topics, as follows:
- Part A – Rangitata River – Protection of Salmon Spawning Areas
- Part B - Farming Activity/Intensive Farming Building size limit (not progressed)
- Part C – Up to Date Roading Hierarchy
- Part D - Plains Museum Historic Village
- Part E - Pastoral Farming in Residential Zones
- Part F - Hours of Operation of Licensed Premises in the Business Zone
Plan Change 2 became operative on 22 August 2019.
Plan Change 3
Farmers Corner Ltd applied to Ashburton District Council for a change of zoning for their site at 12 Longbeach Road in August 2019. The plan change sought to change the zoning of the site from rural to a new “Rural Tourism” zone, including provision for events and visitor accommodation.
Plan Change 3 was made operative on 29 January 2021.
Plan Change 4
The stated purpose of PC4 was to strengthen the role and function of the Town Centre (Business A zone) as the primary commercial, retail, recreation, cultural and entertainment centre for the district.
In summary, PC4 proposed to make the following changes to the District Plan.
Alter the status and range of commercial activities and retail activities throughout the Business zones, including:
a) the removal of the 500m threshold on retail activities seeking to establish in the Business A zone.
b) Status of small-scale retail in the Business B zone changes from discretionary to non-complying.
c) Restrict the provision of stand alone offices within the Business B to E zones (Discretionary), but allow ancillary office.
d) Permit trade suppliers in the Business B, C and D zone, and restrict other forms of retail activity (non complying), including removal of the permitted maximum of 750m2 GFA for retail activity in the Business C zone.
e) Restrict the range and scale of Food and Beverage outlets within the Business E zone.
Plan Change 4 became operative on 8 July 2021.
Plan Change 5
Plan Change 5 (Transportation) covered the following:
- Consequential amendments to various sections resulting from the implementation of the National Policy Statement on Urban Development
- Provision of mobility parking and cycle parking standards
- Provision for the assessment of high trip generating activities
- Updates to the Roading Hierarchy tables in the Transportation section.
Plan Change 5 became operative on 4 June 2024.
Further details on Plan Change 5 can be found here.
The plan contains rules that may affect you if you are making a development or land-use proposal. To find out what is allowed to happen on a piece of land or in a neighbourhood (your area's zoning), refer to the District Plan Maps and Zones page.
When you have selected the map you are interested in:
1. Check which zone the site is in
The colour of the site will refer to a residential, commercial, central or recreational zone. Ashburton District Council divides zoning and other relevant information into chapters (listed below), these contain the rules and policies.
2. Check for symbols on the site
Symbols can represent a protected tree or building. If there are symbols, you will need to look at the key and then the relevant chapter below.
Operative District Plan