Council submissions to other organisations
Council regularly makes submissions to other organisations on a wide range of issues that may affect the district and Council's operations. This is an important way to ensure the views of Council and the district's residents are raised and advocated at a district, regional and national level.
Regional Council
Committees of Parliament
Government Agencies and Departments
Government Ministries
Other Organisations
Older Submissions Archive
Draft Government Policy Statement on Land Transport Funding 2015/16-2024/25 Submission (1.9 MB)

Draft Government Policy Statement on Land Transport 2018 (191.9 KB)

New Zealand Biodiversity Strategy - Discussion document (596.9 KB)

Action of Agricultural Emissions discussion document (407.0 KB)

Submission on Localism project (604.0 KB)

NES Tyres 2020 (537.9 KB)

Draft Canterbury Regional Public Transport Plan 2018-2028 (335.1 KB)

Proposed Canterbury Air Regional Plan second submission (774.8 KB)

Reform of the Residential Tenancies Act 1986 (389.3 KB)

Fire Services Review: Discussion Document (110.8 KB)

Rules Reduction Taskforce investigation review (132.4 KB)

Reducing waste - a more effective landfill levy (627.9 KB)

Second submission to the Local Government and Environment Select Committee (120.8 KB)

Building System Legislation Reform (157.3 KB)

Ashburton Medical Model of Care: Proposal for Change (67.1 KB)

Draft Low-emissions Economy report (283.0 KB)

Canterbury Mayoral Forum submission to the Health Select Committee on the Health (Fluoridation of Drinking Water) Amendment Bill (345.8 KB)

Combined Canterbury Councils' submission (438.7 KB)

Dog Control (category 1 Offences) Amendment Bill (158.3 KB)

Environment Canterbury Representation Review 2018 (47.6 KB)

Environment Canterbury Review Submission (191.0 KB)

Draft Annual Plan 2014/15 (126.5 KB)

Environment Canterbury Transitional Governance Arrangements (158.1 KB)

Proposed Variation 2 to Proposed Canterbury Land and Water Regional Plan (88.6 KB)

submission to the Local Government and Environment Select Committee (78.7 KB)

Funding Assistance Rate (FAR) Review (215.0 KB)

Proposed action for healthy waterways discussion document (608.8 KB)

Review of Ashburton Railway Station and Footbridge in the New Zealand Heritage list submission (444.9 KB)

National Policy Statement - Highly Productive Land (541.7 KB)

Proposed Local Advisory Committee Boundaries (656.7 KB)

Local Government Act 2002 Amendment Bill (No. 3) (187.8 KB)

LGNZ Statutory Framework of New Zealand Local Government Sector (605.8 KB)

Local government funding and finance – Issues paper (393.6 KB)

Independent Infrastructure Body consultation (748.2 KB)

Proposed changes to the New Zealand Post deed of understanding (194.5 KB)

Proposed Canterbury Air Regional Plan (400.7 KB)

Proposed National Policy Statement - Indigenous Biodiversity (533.5 KB)

Support for the Ultra-Fast Broadband 2, Rural Broadband Initiative 2 and Mobile Black Spot Fund (4.8 MB)

submission to the Environment Commitee on the Resource Management Amendment Bill (537.7 KB)

submission to the Local Government and Environment Select Committee on the Resource Legislation Amendment Bill, March 2016 (431.4 KB)

submission to the Department of Internal Affairs on the proposed regulations for Fire and Emergency New Zealand 2016 (366.7 KB)

Christchurch City Council's submission to the Health Select Committee on the Health (Fluoridation of Drinking Water) Amendment Bill (741.6 KB)

Local Government Act Amendment Bill (185.7 KB)

Proposal to Revoke Certain Delegations under the Reserves Act (804.5 KB)

Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy Submission (312.4 KB)

Draft Annual Plan 2019-20 (155.9 KB)

Environment Canterbury Draft Annual Plan 2020-21 (193.0 KB)

Enduring stewardship of Crown Pastoral Land (565.4 KB)

Work Visas and Regional Workforce Planning Submission (641.4 KB)

Setting of Speed Limits Rule [2017] Submission (163.1 KB)

Local Government Review - Proposed Immediate Changes [2017 Determination] Submission on part 2 (214.3 KB)

Childcare allowance for elected members of local government submission (359.8 KB)

Resource Legislation Amendment Bill Submission [March 2016] (428.4 KB)

Climate Change Response (Zero Carbon) Amendment Bill (560.3 KB)