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Heritage Grant

Applications open 1 February 2026

Ashburton District has a number of heritage buildings and items that help form the district's identity. Protecting these buildings and items helps to retain a connection to the district's history which in turn gives the community a sense of place and belonging.

Council recognises the importance of these heritage buildings and items to the district and the shared responsibility it has with the community to ensure these are preserved and/or restored for current and future generations. Council provides annual Heritage Grants through two contestable grant application processes held in August and February of each financial year.


The purpose of the Heritage Grant Scheme is to assist projects that promote the preservation and/or restoration of heritage buildings and items in Ashburton District.


The maximum individual grant available is $10,000 and can be no more than 50% of the total project cost. The applicants’ share of the project’s cost can be in kind work or materials, or financial. Volunteer time shall be estimated using the minimum wage at the time of the application.

All grants must comply with Council’s Community Grants and Funding Policy.

Grant Eligibility

All heritage projects must meet the following criteria:

  • Preserve and/or restore heritage buildings and items which are scheduled in Group A or Group B of the Ashburton District Plan; and
  • Involve specialised maintenance such as replacing matching cladding or fittings that preserve and/or restore the heritage state of the item; and
  • Be on privately owned land, except if the heritage building or item is on Council land that is managed by a community group or organisation.
Applicant Eligibility

Applicants must be:

  • Based in the Ashburton District.
  • Applications from a national organisation must be made from the local branch of that organisation.
  • Applications will only be accepted on the completed Heritage Application form.
  • Incomplete applications that do not provide all of the requested information will be excluded from funding assessment.
Ineligible Projects

The following projects are ineligible for Heritage Grant Funding:

  • Retrospective works, except in exceptional circumstances such as a natural disaster.
  • General maintenance, such as re-painting.

Assessment Considerations

Council will consider the following:

  • The relative heritage value of the item or building in the Ashburton District Plan
  • The contribution that the proposed work will make to the preservation and/or restoration of the item or building
  • The urgency of the work required
  • Other sources of funding potentially available to the applicant
  • Any previous assistance provided by Council
  • Accessibility of the heritage item or building to the general public

The final funding decisions are made at the discretion of Ashburton District Council. Successful applicant’s project details may be used for publicity purposes.


Successful applicants must complete and return a funding accountability form on the completion of the project, and within the financial year which funds were granted. Receipts are required for all expenditure.

Organisations that do not return a completed accountability form will not be eligible for future Council grant funding.

Required Documents