Community Library Grant
Applications open 1 February 2026
Ashburton District has a number of independently operated community libraries throughout the district that play an integral role in residents’ quality of life. Community libraries provide local residents with resources related to information, education, economic regeneration, culture, diversity, and recreation in a public space that enhances their sense of place and belonging.
Council recognises the importance of these libraries to the district and the shared responsibility it has with the community to ensure they are maintained for current and future generations. Council provides annual Community Library grants through a single grant application process held in February of each financial year.
The purpose of the Community Library Grant Scheme is to support independently operated community libraries with the purchase and preservation of new reading material.
The maximum individual grant available is $6,000. The payment will be made directly to the libraries for their purchase and/or preservation of new reading material available for community use.
All grants must comply with Council’s Community Grants and Funding Policy.

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Grant Eligibility
All Community Library applications must meet the following criteria:
- Be for an independently operated community library facility located in the Ashburton District (specifically Methven, Mt Somers and Rakaia libraries).
- Be for the purchase and/or preservation of new reading material available for community use.
Applicant Eligibility
Applicants must be:
- Based in the Ashburton District.
- The administering / governing body for the project.
- Applications will only be accepted on the completed Community Library Application form.
- Incomplete applications that do not provide all of the requested information will be excluded from funding assessment
Ineligible Projects
The following projects are ineligible for Community Library grant funding:
- Retrospective purchases of reading material or expenses.
- Salaries or wages.
- Any form of insurance.
- Equipment hire.
- Facility operating costs (including power, water, phones, ticketing, IT charges).
Assessment Considerations
Council will consider the following:
- The number of users/members of the library.
- Accessibility of the facility to the general public (e.g. days and hours).
- The community contribution to the project (including volunteers, in-kind work or materials and financial support).
- Other sources of funding potentially available to the applicant.
- Any previous assistance provided by Council
The final funding decisions are made at the discretion of Ashburton District Council. Successful applicants’ project details may be used for publicity purposes.
Funding Agreement
Successful applications must complete and return a funding accountability form on the completion of the project, and within the financial year which funds were granted. Receipts are required for all expenditure.
Organisations that do not return a completed accountability form will not be eligible for future Council grant funding.