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Community Event Grant

Applications open 1 February 2026

Ashburton District Council believes it has a role to play in supporting new community events, and building the capacity of existing events, to become established in the District. Each year Council allocates funding for the ‘Community Events Grants’.

For an event to be eligible, the event must be smoke-free, promote sun-smart initiatives, and be working towards zero-waste.


The purpose of providing Community Event Grants funding is to support new events and / or build the capacity of existing events in the district that are open to the public, and which enhance the community by contributing to its social and economic wellbeing. The events must have a wide public appeal.


The maximum individual grant available is $6,000 and can be no more than 50% of the total event cost. The applicant’s share of the event’s cost can be 'in kind' work, materials, or financial. Volunteer time shall be estimated using the minimum wage at the time of the application.

Grant funding may only be used for the following:

  • Promotion (including but not limited to: advertising, signage, printed materials, online presence).
  • Traffic management plans.
  • Waste management measures.

All grants must comply with Council’s Community Grants and Funding Policy.

Grant Eligibility

In order to be eligible to apply for funding, all events must meet the following criteria:

  1. Take place within Ashburton District (with the boundaries of the Rakaia River to the Rangitata River from the Southern Alps to the Pacific Ocean).
  2. Be a new event to the District or build the capacity of an existing event in the District.
  3. The event must take place after the application has been made.
  4. The general public must be able to participate in, or watch the event.
  5. Must have secured at least 50% of the total cost of the event for which they are applying.
  6. Must not coincide with another major event in the District, unless compatible.
  7. Be a smoke-free and vape-free event event, be sun-smart and working towards ‘zero waste’.
  8. Provide a detailed budget, including what the requested funds will be used for (refer to the ‘Funding’ Section above).
  9. Provide a detailed marketing / promotional plan, with the target market clearly identified.
Applicant Eligibility

Applicants must be:

  • Based in the Ashburton District.
  • The administering / governing body for the event.
  • Applications will only be accepted on the completed Community Event Application form.
  • Incomplete applications that do not provide all of the requested information will be excluded from funding assessment.
Ineligible Projects

The community event funding cannot be used for the following:

  • Salaries
  • Liquor and food licensing
  • Entertainment fees
  • Public liability insurance
  • Equipment hire
  • Event running costs (including power, water, phones, ticketing, IT charges).

Assessment Considerations

Council will consider the following:

  • The number of anticipated attendees to the event.
  • Accessibility of the event to the general public.
  • The community contribution to the event (including volunteers, in-kind work or materials and financial support).
  • Other sources of funding potentially available to the applicant.
  • Any previous assistance provided by Council

The final funding decisions are made at the discretion of Ashburton District Council. Successful applicants’ project details may be used for publicity purposes.

Funding Agreement

Successful applicants must complete and return an accountability form on the completion of the event, and within the financial year which funds were granted. Receipts are required for all expenditure.

Organisations that do not return a completed accountability form will not be eligible for future Council grant funding.

Community Event Grant Accountability Form

Required Documents