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Heritage Grant

Important Note

This form does not automatically save while you are working on it. We strongly recommend you copy and save your answers into a separate word document as you go, to ensure you don’t lose them while working on your application.

Please check you have read and understood the grant eligibility requirements and funding criteria

The final funding decisions are made at the discretion of Ashburton District Council. Successful project details may be used for publicity purposes.

To be eligible for heritage funding, your project must comply with all three of the following requirements:

  • Preserve and / or restore heritage buildings and items which are scheduled in Group A or Group B of the Ashburton District Plan.
  • Involve specialised maintenance such as replacing matching cladding or fittings that preserve and / or restore the heritage state of the item.
  • Be on privately owned land, except if the heritage building or item is on Council land that is managed by a community group or organisation.

Organisation / Applicant Details

Primary Contact Person

Project Dates
Start Date *
Completion Date *

Is the project to Preserve and / or restore heritage buildings and items which are scheduled in Group A or Group B of the Ashburton District Plan? *

Is specialised maintenance involved such as replacing matching cladding or fittings that preserve and / or restore the heritage state of the item? *

Is the project on privately owned land, except if the heritage building or item is on Council land that is managed by a community group or organisation? *

About your project
Provide a description of the project / programme to be funded and how it will be delivered. If you have a separate project plan (or similar), this can be attached and referred to.
Provide evidence of the problem or opportunity your project will address. This may be specific data or a general/anecdotal observation. The information could come from your own or another organisation. Eg: An engineering assessment of the building has been completed and the first priority identified was making the building weather tight
How will heritage and the community be better off as a result of this project? What is the overall improvement you are looking for? The outcome should be a simple, clear and concise statement describing the intended result you aim to achieve. Eg: We will protect the historic post office from weather so in the future it will bring pride to the area, tell the story of our past to the general community and school groups, and attract tourists.

Financial Information  

Are you GST registered? *

Please complete this simple budget outline to show what the grant would fund, if successful. Click here to download

Maximum upload size of 10mb

What other funding are you applying for, for this project?

Voluntary Contributions

Application Confirmation
(E.g. Pre-printed bank slip) Maximum upload size of 10mb
Maximum upload size of 10mb

The following must be read and accepted by the Primary Contact Person listed.

I/We hereby declare that the information supplied here on behalf of myself /our organisation, to the best of my/our knowledge, is true and correct and that I/we have the authority to make this application on behalf of our group (if applicable).

I/We hereby declare that we have a Health and Safety Plan in place for the project / programme.

I/We consent to Ashburton District Council collecting the personal contact details provided above, retaining and using these details for the purpose of review of the Heritage Grant. I/We acknowledge my/our right to have access to this information. This consent is given in accordance with the Privacy Act 1993.

I/We understand that my/our project/programme details may be used for promotion of the Heritage Grant and that I/we will be contacted if Ashburton District Council wishes to use these.

I/We understand that the funds received as a result of this application may only be used for the purpose in which they were granted and that a report form with supporting invoices must be submitted to Ashburton District Council on completion of the project / programme.

Terms and conditions
By clicking ACCEPT below, you confirm that you have read and understood and accept the terms set out above. *
Date *

You must click "SUBMIT" below for your application to be submitted.

You will receive a confirmation email once your application has been properly submitted. If you do not receive an email, please contact us at before applications close.