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Long-Term Plans

Long Term Plan 2024-34

The Long Term Plan 2024-34 was adopted on 26 June 2024. While we are finalising the design of the new document you can find the adopted plan below. Click the link for background information on the development of the plan or to read the submissions received from the community.

Our 10 year plan sets out our direction and work programme. It lets you know what we will be doing - the services we will provide and the projects we will undertake, how much it costs, how we intend to pay for it, and how we will measure quality and our effectiveness.

The issues we face and the context within which we work are continually evolving. For this reason, a Long-Term Plan is produced every three years.

Our current LTP was adopted by Council on 26 June 2024.

Download Volume 1 and 2 of the Long-Term Plan 2024-34

Long Term Plan 2024-34: Volume 1

Long Term Plan 2024-34: Volume 2

Our current LTP was adopted by Council on 30 June 2021.

Download Volume 1 and 2 of the Long-Term Plan 2021-31

Long-Term Plan 2021-31: Volume 1

Long-Term Plan 2021-31: Volume 2

Or go straight to the relevant section

Part 01: Overview

Part 02: Our activities

Part 03: Fees and charges

Part 04: Appendices

Part 05: Financial policies and disclosures

Part 06: Key Council policies

Part 07: Our Infrastructure Strategy

Part 08: Our Financial Strategy

For more detail on our work programme for each activity area, look through the Activity Management Plans.

The 2018-28 Long-Term  Plan was adopted  28 June 2018. On 27 June 2019 Council adopted an amendment to the plan, to increase the budget for the Ashburton Library and Civic Centre building to allow a fit for purpose building for the community and future generations.

The amendment document below should be read in conjunction with the two volumes of the LTP.

Long-Term Plan 2018-28: Volume 1

Long-Term Plan 2018-28: Volume 2

View the Long-Term Plan 2018-28 Amendment