Long Term Plan 2018-28
Ashburton District's Plan for the next 10 years
The Long-Term Plan (LTP) maps out the future of Our Place - the Ashburton District, particularly over the next 10 years. Council makes an LTP every three years.
It includes the services and activities we provide for our community, and details how we expect to pay for them. The LTP also includes projects we have planned for the future to ensure we are meeting the needs of our community. In a way, the LTP is like our contract with the community, which is why it is so important!
We are accountable to you, the community, to make sure your rates are going towards making Ashburton District an even better place to live, work and play. In the LTP we talk about different activities and services. These are things we as a Council do or provide for our community. We fund activities and services through a mixture of rates and other sources (such as central government funding or fees and charges). Each activity or service can be affected by many different things. For instance, law changes can alter the rules we must follow in providing a service. Similarly, there can also be new requirements introduced by central government to improve things we already provide to protect people's health and wellbeing, such as drinking water standards. Changes to how our district is growing may also mean we have to change the way we provide activities and services. The LTP is the document where we set out what these changes are and how we plan to tackle them.
Also included in the LTP is our 30 year plan for infrastructure in the district. This document, the Infrastructure Strategy or 'IS', covers the big stuff we provide such as roads, footpaths, sewerage, drinking water and stock water. The IS identifies the major issues surrounding these activities, such as upgrades, maintenance and renewals.
Consultation on the draft Long-Term Plan 2018-28 has now closed. To find out more about the Long-Term Plan and the consultation visit ItsOurPlace.com
View the Long-Term Plan 2018-28:
Long Term Plan Part 1 - Introduction
Long Term Plan Part 2 - Our Strategic Direction
Long Term Plan Part 3 - Our Projects
Long Term Plan Part 4 - Our Activities
Long Term Plan Part 5 - Fees and Charges
Long Term Plan Part 6 - Appendices
Long Term Plan Part 7 - Financial Policies and Disclosures
Long Term Plan Part 8 - Key Council Polices
Long Term Plan Part 9 - Infrastructure Strategy
Long Term Plan Part 10 - Financial Strategy

On 27 June 2019, Council adopted amendments to the Long-Term Plan 2018-28. The amendments were made so that the Council can build a fit-for-purpose Ashburton Library and Civic Centre that will serve both the current community and future generations. The amendment was to increase the budget for the build from $22 million to $51.6 million.