Stockwater Exit Transition Plan adopted by Council

Published: 19 December 2024

Councillors have adopted a Stockwater Exit Transition Plan that will usher Council out of the business of delivering stockwater by 2027.

The plan clearly sets out the process Council will take in exiting the service, the intakes and various water sources that feed the stockwater network and an approximate order of work.

Group Manager of Infrastructure and Open Spaces Neil McCann said the plan contains the programme of work with the order of intakes under consideration, starting with the Pudding Hill intake and Methven Auxiliary intake.

“A key part of the project will be making sure property owners, stakeholders and the wider public have access to timely information as each of the intakes are considered, so I encourage people to sign up via Council’s website for regular email updates.”

Councillors gave the transition plan a big tick at their meeting yesterday. A Stockwater Transition Working Group led by Cr Richard Wilson will monitor progress of the exit plan and report any issues back to Council.

Mr McCann said the transition plan would be publicly available on the Council’s website.

“We know stockwater customers are interested in how we will exit the service and when it will affect them. The transition plan sets out the order of work, with suggested timeframes, though there is flexibility to bring work forward if, for example, an organised group has a solid proposal to take over an intake.”

Affected property owners and stakeholders will be contacted as the work progresses, and the next meeting of the transition working group will be on 6 March.

You can view the Stockwater Exit Transition Plan here.

You can view the intake-by-intake programme of work here.

If you are interested in receiving progress reports about the Stockwater Exit Transition work, please sign up for regular updates here.