Draft stockwater transition exit plan before working group

Published: 6 November 2024

Stockwater users and others interested in how Council will exit its stockwater delivery service by 2027 are being invited to sign up to receive regular email updates about progress of the work.

A Stockwater Transition Plan tab on the home page of Council’s website ashburtondc.govt.nz links to a form asking people for their name and email address, so they can stay up to date.

The first draft of the Stockwater Transition Plan was viewed by the newly-formed Stockwater Transition Working Group last week, and it includes an intake-by-intake strategy, with scheduled engagement with property owners, irrigation companies, Environment Canterbury and Arowhenua and other stakeholders.

Chair of the group, Councillor Richard Wilson, said the transition plan proposed the way Council would deal with each stockwater intake and the races they fed.

“We know it’s going to be a complicated process and Council has to be flexible in its approach.

“Some intakes and races will present issues we didn’t know about but talking with those affected is important and  engagement with stakeholders could help find solutions.

“If a particular race network also provides a critical stormwater function, Council may consider declaring the race a drain for example.”

Cr Wilson said Council did not have money for any new infrastructure.

“There will be no capital contributions to solutions, Council’s role in this would only be to advise and provide good information about alternative water sources.”

Council’s consultant John Wright will work with people to identify alternative stockwater solutions and affected parties.

Following last week’s meeting, the transition plan will be refined and it is expected to go to Council to be adopted in December.

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